Dear Colleagues:
The COVID-19 pandemic has all but upended our existence. It has managed to choke our daily medical commute; with our patients’ management and treatment held hostage. However, our oath to be the nation’s vanguards of kidney health remains unassailable, no matter the circumstance. For this, we must learn to adjust quickly- to be one step ahead of the plague and its consequence.
One crucial cog in this adaptation is the Internet. It can traverse the geographic deadlock brought about by the archipelagic nature of our country. For us to share best practices with one another, we need to connect. Communication is a vital key.
Cognizant of this need, we have decided to resurrect a potential instrument. We at the Philippine Society of Nephrology Website is privileged to present to you the new and refurbished PSN Website. The website has improved upon the earlier platform and offers several options previously not found in the original.
Listed here are only a few of the modern aspects of the PSN Website. First, is the On-Line Payment Hub. The payment hub is intimately linked to On-Line Applications which provides downloadable forms for Dialysis Center Accreditation/Attestation, as well as payments for Membership Renewal and Examination and Postgraduate courses. Payment choices are numerable, from credit card to PayPal. This by itself is a large leap in streamlining the financial necessities of the society.
The PSN Website also features specific areas for member nephrologists not available to the general viewing public. You will be provided with a personal access code for admission to the Nephrology Forum, avenues for continuing post-fellowship education, publications (Broadcast Newsletter, PJN, APSN), downloadable guidelines and on-line examinations. Included also is an entire segment about Members – from categories, duties, responsibilities, to the nationwide distribution, as well as application to committees and registration to chapters. This section celebrates you as a member of PSN.
The present PSN Website boasts of an enriched patient section. Essentials that are of interest to the patient include specific search engines to Find a Doctor and Find a Dialysis Center. The patient’s area is rife with downloadable infographics and instruction manuals which are quite useful for them as they deal with the disease.
The website most importantly will serve as a communications hub for announcements and news. There will be regular Webinars and virtual lectures for purposes of continued edification. Please, feel free to visit every nook and explore every section. The features are user friendly, and the dashboard is done up in clean, elegant lines. Coasting through the website will be an easy yet stress-free experience. I urge you to visit the site every so often to keep abreast of the activities in the society. The PSN Website staff is dedicated to evolving the platform according to what society requires and demands.
Together let us emerge from this scourge as an invigorated and unified Philippine Society of Nephrology!
The PSN Website Team