As we celebrate our 50th year, this is the last of the series that we have started in the previous year about the history of PSN. So now we are looking forward to the next 50 years.
PSN is 50 in 2022: Looking forward
Reina Lynn Antonio, MD, FPSN
Every member of the Philippine Society of Nephrology found our calling in many different ways. We often realize that this society is not entirely for pursuing knowledge about the kidney and its disorders, service to renal patients, or the creation of a sense of belongingness. Still, it makes some life choices unique to each and everyone, and it is PSN that provides venues and opportunities that help many of us realize things about ourselves that we never thought nor imagined doing before.
Our society helps us discover the talents that we have. It made us realize that we could actually sing and/or dance as we are all ‘encouraged’ aka “harassed” by our seniours and our mentors to represent our respective training institutions in the fellowship of the annual conventions. May the reason be for honor or prestige or for camaraderie and unity, we forget about self-consciousness and stage fright. It is fun and exciting and then we realize l that it is even liberating The event makes everyone accepting and nonjudgmental. We feel that we are just a big family celebrating each other’s company and what the society stands for.
And for those of us who already know they have it in them, we are given the chance to showcase our talent in these events. Our very own concert or show, an outlet of self expression and art.
If COVID-19 pandemic did not happen, the fellowship would have been bigger, brighter and more fabulous as there are now twenty-four accredited PSN training institutions. So, I just could imagine how astounding the performances must be with the new discovery of talents and diverse display of artistic ideas.
And as mentioned, there are now twenty-four accredited training institutions, so for us mentees before who now are mentors, it feels surreal. We are given the chance to be part of something greater: Train the next generations of Nephrologists of our country. A learning process as we keep in mind this enormous responsibility that befell our predecessors before. How did they train us? Could I apply the same method they used? Am I worthy?
But with the pandemic, the challenges had become harder and even increased in number. Building resilience and strengthening adaptability as we all find ways to learn and teach in an unconventional but effective process while praying for a better tomorrow and hoping for the pandemic to finally end. As everyone, especially the trainees, are burdened with not only by the fear for our own health and safety, but also by the demands of the training program with limited renal case exposures and procedures.
Just like in the implementation of the Transition program from Pediatric to Adult renal care. A Smaller number of patients go to the hospital or clinics, especially the very old and the very young. Hence, in many training institutions, the transition program poses a challenge as even our Pediatric Nephrologists colleagues are having some difficulties following up their patients. This is a welcome challenge but we are happy that we will be able to provide services that will enhance their self management and self care.
But for the rest, business as usual.
With the many committees that make up the PSN, members are given the chance to continue satisfying our interests while serving.
As PSN is not only for the patient and the society, it is also for the members.
For those of us who have either innate or acquired/learned managing skills, the society always provide a setting where one can step up and lead. Whether a chair of the standing committees or a member of the Board of Trustees.
Members who live to teach can continue sharing their knowledge and expertise in the continuing medical education of members through a series of webinars and in the Annual Convention Scientific program, which are now more convenient to attend by all the members as everything is online.
For those who are into research, PSN carry on with lectures on research topics and give opportunities for members to have their manuscripts chosen as the best paper or get published. We are also invited to be members of practice guideline development groups, whether within the society or in collaboration with other societies and agencies. Helping members to keep the passion in this field too.
In writing articles in the PSN Newsletter or as part of this year’s Coffee table, members are invited to contribute by expressing their ideas and feelings in words. A creative outlet for most of us as well.
And in the celebration of the 50th year of the PSN and the Kidney Day, artists among us were encouraged to share our talents in videography, poster making or graphic designing, photography and painting. Contests were launched to enhance more inspiration. And an exhibit for artworks was even organized for the Art lovers and Art makers this coming Annual Convention.
So, no matter what your status is, whether a life emeritus or a new member in training, PSN will always be a conduit not only for learning but for the development of a well rounded life to the members.
Looking forward to what PSN has in store for all of us in the next Fifty years.