The Philippine Society of Nephrology (PSN), Inc. is a non-stock, non profit and apolitical organization governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. PSN adheres to the Constitution of the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP) and the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) being one of its recognized components.

It is an organization of physicians who care for patients with kidney disease, both adult and pediatric.

It ensures adherence to the highest standards of excellence in training and research in the field of Nephrology; and it certifies and supports its members to enable them to be ethical, compassionate, excellent and globally-competitive; so that they may, in turn, to provide the best quality care for patients.


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    The Society shall have its own seal which consists of two (2) concentric circles. Between the inner and outer circles are the words “Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. 1971”. Both the circles and the words are in green color. Inside the inner circle is a facsimile of the nephron’s renal corpuscle in red color on a yellow background.


The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. is a cohesive body that ensures adherence to the highest standards of excellence in training and research in the field of Nephrology. It commits itself to train, regulate, and support its members to enable them to be globally competitive, ethical, excellent and compassionate.

It is a dynamic partner of Medical and Professional Societies, and a foremost source of knowledge and information. The PSN, Inc. serves as a liaison between its members and various support and regulatory institutions.

The society is committed to the highest quality care for patients as it leads renal related public health programs, especially those that are relevant to the Filipino people.


The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. promotes and disseminates current knowledge and information in Nephrology. It provides guidelines in the delivery of Nephrologic care, and ensures the strict implementation of these guidelines. Through accreditation, it enforces global training and research standards.

The society provides information on members’ needs and problems, as well as expertise and recommendations for policy formulation regarding renal disease. It shall initiate, recommend, promote, and coordinate public health programs geared towards awareness, prevention, and treatment of renal disease.