PSN is 50 in 2022: Looking forward

As we celebrate our 50th year, this is the last of the series that we have started in the previous year about the history of PSN. So now we are looking forward to the next 50 years. PSN is 50 in 2022:  Looking forward Reina Lynn Antonio, MD, FPSN   Every member of the Philippine…

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Teaser for PSN Annual Convention

This April 25-30, 2022, we bring you the Philippine Society of Nephrology Annual Convention 2022: Soaring to New Heights!   In our third year of going virtual, the 42nd Annual Convention offers a novel hybrid format that allows for a 2-day in-person pre-convention workshop for select participants. This year’s scientific committee headed by Dr. Donnah…

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President’s Christmas Message

President’s Christmas Message Noel M. Castillo, MD   It’s that time of the year when most of us are in a celebratory mood for a number of reasons: family, gifts, parties, food, vacation, etc. The improving numbers as far as COVID-19 cases are concerned definitely contribute to this feeling of buoyancy. This may not be…

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PSN is 50 at 2022: Weathering the Storm

PSN is 50 at 2022: Weathering the Storm Reina Lynn Antonio, MD Because the Philippines belongs to the Pacific Ring of Fire and is located along the Typhoon belt in the Pacific, it is frequented by volcano eruptions and earthquakes and visited by an average of twenty-three typhoons per year, of which five are damaging.…

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Philhealth Updates 2021

PHILHEALTH UPDATES 2021 Edison Navarro, MD   PHILHEALTH CIRCULAR 2021-0009: PHILHEALTH COVERAGE FOR OUTPATIENT HEMODIALYSIS BENEFIT PACKAGE TO A MAXIMUM OF 144 SESSIONS FOR CY 2021 POLICY STATEMENT: Patients with CKD 5 shall be allowed to avail of the maximum of one hundred forty-four (144) hemodialysis sessions for CY 2021 based on the prescription of…

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COVID VACCINES and the RENAL Patient Agnes A. Alarilla-Alba,MD   With the availability of the COVID Vaccines to the vulnerable, nephrologists face an onslaught of questions from our patients. Whether it is safe to vaccinate renal patients, its adverse event,  whether it will be effective, and will there be interactions with the medications our patients…

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